Product Features Webpage
Tasked with getting a deeper understanding of what struggles email marketers were having with their current tech stack I was
able to design a webpage that shows how knak solves their current headaches.
Lead Designer - Me
Creative Director - Lindsay Kelly
Product Marketing Manager - Andrea Vivic
Product Features Webpage
Tasked with getting a deeper understanding of what struggles email marketers were having with their current tech stack I was able to design a webpage that shows how knak solves their current headaches.
Tasked with getting a deeper understanding of what struggles email marketers were having with their current tech stack I was able to design a webpage that shows how knak solves their current headaches.
Tasked with getting a deeper understanding of what struggles email marketers were having with their current tech stack I was able to design a webpage that shows how knak solves their current headaches.
Lead Designer - Me
Creative Director - Lindsay Kelly
Product Marketing Manager - Andrea Vivic
Lead Designer - Me
Creative Director - Lindsay Kelly
Product Marketing Manager - Andrea Vivic
Lead Designer - Me
Creative Director - Lindsay Kelly
Product Marketing Manager - Andrea Vivic
© Chase Ruppert
© Chase Ruppert
© Chase Ruppert
© Chase Ruppert